CfDP/Cyberhus represents the Danish helpline in the European cooperation network Insafe. We are very pleased to play a part in this international project, where we are able to share and gain experience, on children and young people, from Insafe and other national helplines in the community. As the Danish representative in the Insafe network we were asked to share some of our experiences and key successes as a helpline in year 2012. It is with pleasure that we earlier this week sent in Cyberhus’ contribution to Insafe’s Joint Annual Report 2012, in which we touch upon which projects have occupied the helpline and our main achievements of the year. In the document we among other things wrote:

“During the year, we have taken part in several projects and network groups. We have become a member of the Belgian helpline Ch@advice’s advisory board, we have held our own workshop in Beirut for newly established helplines, we have put together an online chat and correspondence network in Denmark, and we have translated and distributed our manuals on counselling to all helplines in EU.”

Being a part of Insafe and offering information and advice to youth, teachers and parents is important to us. Cyberhus has become one of the youth’s favourite digital counselling platforms in Denmark and all figures from year 2012 indicates that our counselling offers are made use of more often than the year before, and in our contribution we touched upon this development:

“Our statistics show that the number of children and teens contacting us is increasing. This day, we have reached 273,419 unique visitors – nearly 40,000 more than in the entire year 2011. Our online chat and correspondence counsellors received a total of 3,880 counselling sessions last year and we envisage that the number increases with approximately 1,000 by the end of the year.”

We are glad to share our experiences with Insafe and look forward to welcoming another year as a helpline in the Insafe cooperation network.


Written by Merete Pilegaard Rasmussen, voluntary communication employee.


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