About Centre for Digital Youth Care
In 2004, we opened our chat counselling, Cyberhus, for children and young people where they were – online. Since then, it has gained momentum, and in 2011 we established Centre for Digital Youth Care which, besides from own it’s own counsellings, collaborations, and publications, also does presentations and workshops for professionals, students, and parents across the country concerning digital youth care, youth, issues and how-to based on our practice-based knowledge. Here, among others, we contribute to include digital aspects in our communication with children and young people. Over the years, we have also participated in a large number of international projects, including as a partner as the Danish helpline in the EU Safter Internet Program since 2009.
Socio-economic organisation
Centre for Digital Youth Care is an independent institution. We are a socio-economic organisation, and all profits accrue to disadvantaged children and young people through reinvestment in digital socio-educational work.
Our aim is not to make money – we work from a mindset of wanting to make a difference to other people and securing help and support for vulnerable children as well as adults. This also means that any surplus is reinvested in vulnerable social groups, either through existing or new projects. In other words, we are a social enterprise. To us, this means that we are fully focused on the good cause.
Vision of creating presence, transparency, and security for vulnerable people
At Centre for Digital Youth Care, we have a vision of creating presence, transparency, and security for vulnerable people through educational use of digital media, and by inclusion. So, we meet everyone on our counselling platforms with an open mind, curiosity, and without prejudices in order to make room for people’s opinions, thoughts, and emotions. This is also the case of our collaborative partners.
Centre for Digital Youth Care is affiliated with YMCA’s Social work where we are working to strengthen socio-educational activities and initiatives for disadvantaged children and young people in Denmark.
Read the Articles of Association of Centre for Digital Youth Care
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