Young people no longer need to sit in their room, the library, in the club, or where they usually get in online contact with the various counselling services on Over the summer has been updated with a mobile platform that makes the site easily accessible from a smartphone.

Sales of smartphones have exploded this past year, and a new study, from the research consultancy Wilke, shows that the young people are taking the lead. 51 per cent of the 15-29 year-olds have a smartphone in their pocket.

Our own data supports Wilke’s study. Throughout 2011, we have experienced a significant increase in visitors visiting via mobile phone. In January 2011, 5,2 per cent, equivalent to 1307 visitors used a mobile phone. In August 2011, the number had increased to 2974 visitors, equivalent to 10,9 per cent.

The foundation for Cyberhus’ counselling is an open dialogue at eye level with marginalised young people at risk. Being present in young people’s universe is a prerequisite for such a dialogue. It is our job as adults to make ourselves visible and available where the young people are. That goes for schools, institutions, on a street corner, and online. With Cyberhus in pocket format, the marginalised young people have easier access to counselling from adults, both in chats and Q&As, or the opportunity to stay updated while on the go with recent posts and comments in discussions, blogs, and stories.


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Center for Digital Pædagogiks digitale rådgivning i Cyberhus rådgiver om internetrelaterede problemer, som en del af EU’s Insafe-program, og har fungeret som den danske helpline siden 2009 i tæt samarbejde med Red Barnet og Medierådet for Børn og Unge.


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