The transition from the physical to a digital counseling can be as challenging as it is rewarding. Though online mailbox counseling has a lot of benefits, it is also a practice that requires acclimatisation and adaptation from youth councilors. So how do you create a succesful mailbox counselling online?

In this short guide, CfDP presents guidelines to how you should approach mailbox counselling. We include the benefits and challenges of online counselling, relevant legislation and inspiration for your practice. Last but not least, we introduce advice based on our work experience on how to best approach the young person who has written to you, and who needs a good and clear response.

This work by CDYC (CPDP) was developed in the project “Digitally Agile Youth Work” with funding from Erasmus+. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at our webpage

The full collection includes materials from partners from Scotland, Ireland, Finland, Austria, Germany and Denmark. This can be found at

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